People hear the words “root canal treatment” and immediately tense up. After all, root canal treatment has a long history of being a negative and painful experience, but our Mississauga dentists are here to tell you that this doesn't have to be the truth. Find out why root canal therapy is necessary and why it really isn’t a big deal.
Root canals get a bad rap sometimes, but they can actually save a damaged tooth from needing an extraction in the future.
What you see when you smile is only a small part of the tooth (more specifically, tooth enamel). Of course, if you are dealing with issues that reach below those enamel layers, you may not even notice that anything is going on. Of course, as an infection, decay, trauma or any issue that affects the health of the dental pulp manifests itself, you’ll certainly know. Most people dealing with these problems experience dental pain.
Toothaches are no joke. Some people are in so much pain that it can be almost mind-numbing. Fortunately, a root canal is the best way for our Mississauga general dentist to take the pain away. Plus, these dental problems won’t go away without treatment. In fact, if you don’t get the treatment you need, you may end up losing that tooth later on. A root canal preserves as much of the tooth as possible and can actually save it from even needing an extraction.
So, you may finally start to see why a root canal is necessary and important for maintaining a healthy smile. But you may still be wondering, “Will getting a root canal hurt?” It’s easy to get all worked up when you picture sitting in the dentist’s chair for any kind of dental work, but our goal is to help you feel as comfortable as we can make you when under our care.
A root canal is performed under local anesthesia to numb the area prior to treatment. Not only does this mean that you're unlikely to feel a thing during your procedure, but you may notice instant relief from that nagging dental pain after your root canal is over (and who doesn’t like the sound of that?).